
spiritual meditation and self love done differently.



This is your home for learning modern meditation without spiritual bypassing, and for enjoying your self love journey as you learn to become your own best friend. We offer resources, articles, guided meditations, scripts, and classes that will help you walk a spiritual path.

We go deep here: examining and offering antidotes to the problems with the wellness industrial complex, and offering resources for meditation and mindfulness teachers who want to offer their very best.

If you’ve ever felt out of place on your own spiritual journey, you will find yourself in good company here. We practice spirituality that is inclusive, radically compassionate, and strong enough to withstand scrutiny. We welcome cynics, skeptics, long-time practitioners, busy people, and total newbies.



meditation for beginners

This is a place where even the most experienced meditators are always looking to learn, so a beginner’s mind is always celebrated.

Whether you are brand-spanking-new to meditation, or are looking to move beyond apps and deepen your personal practice, we’ve developed offerings with you in mind. We’ve got guided meditations, meditation scripts, FAQs, and lots more.


resources for your self love journey

When we can truly understand why self love is not selfish, we can show up as our most authentic self for those around us.

We give you articles, guides, and resources to teach you the practice of self love–from easy steps to the more in-depth practices that will help you become your own best friend.


tools for meditation teachers

We’ll guide you to find the best meditation teacher training or meditation certification for you (we don’t sell it; so we’re not biased.) And, we offer resources and tools to help you be the best teacher you can be. It’s an ongoing process, and we’re here to support you in it.

We’ll also help you distinguish between the people offering quality, time-tested training and those looking to make a quick buck off the latest trends.

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an examination of problems in the world of wellness

Does the saying “good vibes only” make you cringe? Then you’re in the right place.

We believe that those of us who are willing to take an honest look at the problems in wellness, meditation, and the self help industry are making it better for everyone. We examine things like spiritual bypassing, toxic positivity, whitewashing, guru scandals, spiritual abuse, and improving ourselves to death–and we explore the antidotes.


mindful minute & more easy practices (we wrote the book!)

We get it: you've got sh*t to get done beyond sitting on a meditation cushion. But a busy life doesn't mean you don't also have time for more calm, happiness, love, and truth.

That is why we offer a variety of powerful exercises–meditation, breath work, nervous system practices, and more–than can help in as little as a minute. Yes, really.


guided meditation scripts & meditation classes

We offer an ever-expanding library of resources, from meditation classes to guided meditation scripts and self love journal prompts, plus lots more.

Fully half of our resources are free, and everything else is available on a sliding fee scale. We take accessibility seriously, offering everything from captions and transcripts for videos to high-contrast or low-ink versions of our printable stuff.

And we’re always listening to what else we can do to be helpful to you.


How we’re different

We are here to support humans who are on a spiritual path, but reject the whitewashed, overly precious, everything-is-bliss, prepackaged version of spirituality that is taking over what is actually a very diverse, gritty, and real experience.

We have a deep respect for the foundational teachings of Buddhism but our focus is on the dharma (the teachings) and not the teachers. While even Buddha himself left his family to pursue enlightenment, we have jobs, and families, bills to pay. And so: this is spirituality in practice.

The biggest difference that you will probably notice is that we wholly reject the idea that we are broken and in need of fixing. While the wellness industrial complex loves to sell the idea that we should improve, be better, hustle harder, work on ourselves, etc. we are here to show you the real, anti-capitalistic truth: that there is nothing wrong with you.

You are complete, just not finished. You are whole and already worthy, just as you are right now. We’re here to be the tour guides to the temple of your own mind; to walk beside you as you journey down your own beautiful spiritual path.


So…. WTF is with the name?

If you’re ever felt like throwing your hands in the air and yelling “F this!” then you might already feel us. But basically, there are three reasons for the name “eff this! meditation”.

  1. Combining the spiritual with the profane demonstrates the way spirituality touches all aspects of our lives. (See the Dalai Lama laughing about his airplane farts as he teaches about dismantling the ego.)

  2. Juxtaposing the levity of the profanity with the seriousness of the practice makes the message more memorable.

  3. We aim to make meditation and spirituality more accessible to people who may be put off or intimidated by the typically precious way that they are presented.


Our statement of values

Our spiritual community is open to all. However, we acknowledge that we live in a culture that values certain humans and silences others; and that our society is overtly and violently racist, misogynistic, and homo- & trans-phobic.

Therefore, we commit to doing our best to amplify the voices of marginalized and underrepresented people and to hold dear their experiences. There is no enlightened society until ALL are protected and valued.


We believe that Black lives matter, trans is beautiful, immigrants rights are human rights, and that spirituality should be accessible to all. We will never stop working to become better at living these values.


Our basis in teaching

We share the fundamentals of meditation and mindfulness, and teach you how to access your own wisdom. You will learn how to deepen trust with yourself by testing everything we teach in the laboratory of your own life. When we say we welcome skeptics, that isn’t lip service; it’s fundamental to the core of our teachings. The practices that we teach will help you move from intellectual concept to realized experience.

While we offer modern interpretations of ancient dharma, we believe it is crucial that a teacher does not make shit up. In the spiritual world, there are cults of personality, self-appointed gurus, prophets seeking profits, and countless meditation teachers (and apps) without any real basis in the truth. Spiritual materialism is a scourge, and teachers can’t show you the light if they aren’t plugged in.

Any teacher you come across here is someone who is here to reflect the wholeness inside of you, to help you access your own wisdom, and to offer you help on your path based on their actual experience walking their own path. Truly, we are all here to teach and to learn from each other.


Spiritual teaching with a strong grasp, but a light touch.


Our teacher Liza Kindred believes in always holding the seat of the student. She doesn’t see herself as a guru, but as a kalyāna-mittatā, a spiritual friend.

Liza is a Buddhist meditation teacher and author with over a decade of deep study and practice, as well as certification and education in a variety of healing modalities. Her core principles are based on thousands of years of foundational Buddhist teachings, updated with modern science and beliefs. This is why we can offer a contemporary, authentic, whole-person-based approach to spirituality, without hype.


Our style of meditation

Meditation, as we teach it, is based on a shamatha (mindfulness-awareness) practice, and rooted in radical compassion for self. Although we are secular and not at all religious, our teachings are rooted in 2500 years of Tibetan Buddhist teachings. Everyone–highly religious or not at all–is welcome here.

Our specific focus is on meditation as a physical, felt experience. Many mindfulness practices begin and end in the head: observing how the mind works, opening our eyes and ears, focusing on the way our breath feels on our nose or lips. We expand this awareness to include the whole body–which also includes our energetic field, our fascia, and the way that our emotions are physically manifesting in our body.

Thoughts are reactive constructs that don’t always tell us the truth, but our bodies have deep wisdom to offer. This is somatic meditation. (And if you feel disconnected from your body and this idea kinda weirds you out, please know: this is super common and a wonderful place to start.)

Everything you need is already contained within you, and we use meditation and other somatic mindfulness practices to help you connect to your own innate wisdom. It’s in you, friend!


What we believe

  • Thoughts are not truths.

  • Everything about you is valid.

  • We do no harm (but take no shit).

  • You are complete, just not finished.

  • The answers are inside of each of us.

  • Direct experience is the only confirmation. 👈🏽

  • Present moment awareness is a superpower.

  • There is nothing to be fixed. You are not broken.

  • We are all worthy of love, exactly as we are right now.

  • We strive to raise the energy when we walk into a room.

  • Death comes without warning. We know our death is certain.

  • The most important thing, at any time, is to be gentle with ourselves.

  • Skimming the surface leads to spiritual bypassing; we choose to dig deep.

  • We respect the traditions and work diligently to avoid spiritual materialism.

  • We’re always meditating on something. We have a choice about what that is.

  • We are all doing the best we can with our available resources. Doing our best is enough.

  • Modern guru culture is dangerous and ego-driven. We are each responsible for our own journey.

  • Meditation is a physical, felt experience; emotions are energy and our visceral awareness contains the path to deep wisdom.