Guided Meditation for Stress and Anxiety

Guided meditation for stress and anxiety

Hello friends–we’d like to offer you this guided meditation for stress and anxiety in hopes that it helps you to be able to find some calm and grounding in your life. The stress and anxiety you are feeling is normal and you aren’t alone.

Why is this kind of self care important? In order to fight for those things in life that we feel like are essential, we have to care for ourselves first. There is huge opportunity for societal growth if we can connect to our hearts and use our energy to fight for what’s right and what’s good.

Let’s extend some gentleness and kindness to ourselves. Without shame. Without guilt. You are not alone! We are sending each one of you strength and love.


BTW, if you are interested in more mindfulness exercises for anxiety check out this post. :) Also another great tool for releasing tension is our free Progressive Muscle Relaxation script.


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